Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said that the only way to improve India and China relations is that the elephant and dragon rhythm go with the rhythm. Wang Yi has said that the two countries need more to support each other than to degrade each other. Therefore, India and China should cooperate together for each other’s success. Wang Yi has also said that India and China should not define their relations with border disputes nor should any special differences be allowed to dominate their entire relationship. As soon as the trade war starts from America, China’s notes have started changing about India. He has started talking about walking with elephants and dragons. Without naming America, Wang Yi said that India and China are important countries of Global South.
For the first time, China has made a big attack on America by praising India. China has threatened the US which started a new ruckus. Let us tell you that tremendous words and business war between America and China has started. The situation is so serious that China has even said that leave the trade war, we are ready to fight all kinds of war with America and that too till the end. In response to this, America has also said that we have also made complete preparations. In fact, the US has announced to implement 20 percent tariffs on import of Chinese goods. In response to which China has said that if America wants war, whether it is tariff war, trade war or any other type of war we are ready to fight till the end.
China has also put 10 to 15 percent tariffs on American products on its behalf, responding to American tariffs. With this, China has stopped 25 American companies. That is, in the coming days, there is a big war between China and America. But the most surprising thing is that while confronting America, China has suddenly started calling India its friend. China has started talking lovingly with India. Taking the name of India, China has said that in today’s time the partnership between elephants and dragons is the most important. China calls India an elephant and itself a dragon.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said that the only way to improve India and China relations is that the elephant and dragon rhythm go with the rhythm. Wang Yi has said that the two countries need more to support each other than to degrade each other. Therefore, India and China should cooperate together for each other’s success. Wang Yi has also said that India and China should not define their relations with border disputes nor should any special differences be allowed to dominate their entire relationship. As soon as the trade war starts from America, China’s notes have started changing about India. He has started talking about walking with elephants and dragons. Without naming America, Wang Yi said that India and China are important countries of Global South.
updated with International News in Hindi on prabhasakshi
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