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gold smuggling case ranya rao did not get relief sent on 3 day remand

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The court also said that they should be provided essential things like food and bed and DRI should not treat Ranya hard during interrogation. Actress Ranya Rao, who was arrested earlier this week at the Kemp Gowda International Airport on charges of smuggling 14.2 kg from Dubai.

Kannada actress Ranya Rao has been sent to DRI custody till 10 March. The court has allowed him to meet his lawyer for half an hour every day. The court also said that they should be provided essential things like food and bed and DRI should not treat Ranya hard during interrogation. Actress Ranya Rao, who was arrested earlier this week at the Kemp Gowda International Airport on charges of smuggling 14.2 kg from Dubai.

The DRI demanded a potential relationship with “anti-national activities” to check the smuggled gold source and its intended recipients to examine him. The court agreed to the request and allowed further investigation into the case. During the hearing, the DRI presented a statement received from her to support her request for custody of the actress.

Investigators revealed that Rao, which has been identified as Harshvdini Ranya in her passport, has traveled 27 times in the last six months, which has increased concerns about the nature of these frequent visits. After the arrest, he allegedly claimed to have worked as a freelancer in the real estate sector of Dubai. Rao applied for bail on Thursday, but the court postponed its decision to prioritize the request of DRI custody. According to DRI officials, gold rods worth Rs 12.56 crore were seized from a 34 -year -old actress at Kamphegowda International Airport. After that, in a search conducted at his residence, gold jewelery worth Rs 2.06 crore and Indian currency worth Rs 2.67 crore were recovered.

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