After the incident of attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his house, the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police is busy investigating the case. The Crime Branch of Mumbai Police has formed 20 teams to search for the accused. Saif Ali Khan was injured in this accident and is currently admitted in the hospital.
To quickly arrest the accused, the police have started investigating those roaming unnecessarily at night. Besides, people whose names are already in the police records are also being called to the police stations for questioning. Police are also showing photographs of the accused captured in CCTV footage during interrogation. Last night the police brought more than 15 people to the police station for questioning.
Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recorded her statement with the Bandra Police on Friday in connection with the attack on her husband and actor Saif Ali Khan at their Bandra residence on Thursday morning. The statement was recorded at his residence in the presence of police officers on Friday evening. More than 30 statements have been recorded so far in connection with the attack.
CCTV footage has been seized from Bandra area and three suspects are being interrogated. However, no arrests have been made yet in connection with the incident. Earlier, Saif staff members were called to Bandra police station for questioning in connection with the case, but were later let go. Meanwhile, the auto-rickshaw driver who took the actor to the hospital also shared details of the incident and how he came forward to help.
Meanwhile, the auto-rickshaw driver who took the actor to the hospital also shared details of the incident and how he came forward to help. Speaking to ANI, the driver told that he saw a woman trying to hire an auto-rickshaw at 2 am on Thursday. Soon after, he reached the spot and saw that the actor was “soaked in blood”, coming out of the gate with some other people.
The driver said that the actor was bleeding from his neck and back. “I drive at night. Around 2-3 in the night I saw a lady trying to hire an auto, but no one stopped. I also heard calls for a rickshaw from inside the gate. I called U- Took a turn and stopped his car near the gate. A man covered in blood came out with him and decided to go to Lilavati hospital. found out That it was Saif Ali Khan. I saw that he was bleeding from his neck and back,” Rana told ANI.
Saif was attacked by an intruder in his 11th floor flat in Bandra on Thursday morning. The incident occurred when the intruder allegedly quarreled with the maid at the actor’s house. When Saif tried to intervene, the situation escalated into a violent clash, resulting in the actor suffering multiple knife wounds.
Saif underwent surgery at Lilavati Hospital. According to doctors, Saif has suffered serious injury to his thoracic spinal cord due to the knife getting stuck in his spinal cord. The actor underwent surgery to remove a 2.5-inch long blade from his spinal cord and repair his leaking spinal fluid. Although Saif is “out of danger”, doctors continue to monitor him.