Jitendra Singh said here that an Indian space station will be established by 2035 and the successful ‘docking’ of satellites through ‘Spadex’ mission is a major success in that direction. The Minister said the Shimla center of IMD still holds an important position due to its geographical location and is more relevant than other centres.
Shimla . Union Minister Jitendra Singh said here that an Indian space station will be set up by 2035 and the successful ‘docking’ of satellites through ‘Spadex’ mission is a major success in that direction. During a visit to the India Meteorological Department (IMD) center here, the minister said the Indian space station is essential for future ‘docking’ of satellites. Singh said, “India Meteorological Department, established in 1875, completes 150 years today… It is a matter of satisfaction that our weather forecasting and disaster preparedness capabilities are comparable or better than any other country and we are We are also sharing information with countries.
The British had established IMD after a severe storm in the North-East. Shimla center was one of the early stations and remained the headquarters of IMD for a long time during the British rule. After independence it was later shifted to Pune and eventually to Delhi. The Minister said that Shimla center of IMD still holds an important position due to its geographical location and is more relevant than other centres.
Disclaimer: Sarkari Result Daily has not edited this news. This news has been published from PTI-language feed.
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