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UP Lekhpal Syllabus Exam Pattern

UP Lekhpal Syllabus in Hindi – Government Employment ( UP Lekhpal Syllabus 2024 Welcome to the webpage. In Uttar Pradesh Revenue Department UP Lekhpal Recruitment 2024 Online applications will be announced from eligible candidates for the posts of Rs.

Organization of Accountant Recruitment Examination Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission Will be done by UPSSSC. The total number of vacancies for this recruitment is approximately 7882 There is a post. UP Lekhpal Recruitment Recruitment Exam 2024 Candidates preparing for UP Lekhpal Vacancy 2021 Important information about the syllabus and examination system related to B.Sc. is given below.

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UP Lekhpal Recruitment Syllabus 2024:

Uttar Pradesh Lekhpal Exam Syllabus 2024
Department Name Revenue Department Uttar Pradesh
Name of Recruitment Commission Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission
name of exam Uttar Pradesh Accountant Recruitment Exam 2024
advertisement number soon
Number of Vacancies
exam time 90 minutes
exam date
type of article exam syllabus
official website

Selection Process :

  • Selection for the posts of UP Lekhpal Recruitment 2021 will be done on the basis of a single written examination.
  • Selection will be done on the basis of merit of marks obtained in the examination.

UP Lekhpal Syllabus Exam Pattern 2024:

  • Objective offline examination will be conducted. Whose integer will be 100 marks.
  • There will be four sections in the UPSSSC Lekhpal exam paper. And there will be 25 questions in each section.
  • There will be 1/4 negative marking for each wrong answer.
Subject number of questions score
general Hindi 25 25
Mathematic 25 25
Common Sense 25 25
Rural development and rural society 25 25
Total 100 100

UP Exam Lekhpal Syllabus 2024 in Hindi:

general Hindi : Rasa, compound, disjunction, synonyms, antonyms, similar and identical words, formation of a word for phrases, proverbs and idioms, sentence modification, gender, number, factor, spelling, polysemous words related to error, based on unread part. Question.

Mathematic :

  • Arithmetic & Numerical Ability : Number system, percentage, profit and loss, classification of data, frequency, tabulation, frequency distribution, cumulative frequency, bar chart, pie chart, histogram, frequency polygon, central measure, arithmetic mean, intermediate and mode.
  • Algebra : Least coefficient and importance coefficient and other relationships, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, factorization, area theorem.
  • Geometry : Triangle and Pythagoras theorem, rectangle, square, trapezium, perimeter and parallelogram, perimeter and area of ​​a circle.

Common Sense : Current events of national and international importance, history of India, Indian national movement, polity and economy, world geography and population, questions related to events happening in daily life from the point of view of general science, etc.

Village Society and Development: Rural development in the Indian context, rural development programmes, rural development planning and management, rural development research system, rural health schemes, rural social development, rural development and land reforms, three-tier Panchayati Raj system, schemes related to rural development of the central and state government.

UPSSSC Lekhpal Syllabus 2024 Important Links :

Important instructions: All candidates are requested to Uttar Pradesh Lekhpal Syllabus 2024 , UPSSSC Lekhpal Syllabus , UPSSSC Syllabus Must see the official syllabus and exam pattern for.

Request : I request all the users and readers to share information related to job, exam date, admit card etc. as much as possible through Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and other social media. So that any person eligible for a job can access information about government jobs and it becomes easy to get employment.

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