Team India’s opening batsman Virat Kohli reached Vrindavan with his wife Anushka Sharma and his two children. Where he once again attended the ashram of Premanand Maharaj. After returning from Australia tour, Kohli and Anushka reached Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj’s ashram in Vrindavan and took his blessings. During this, both of them talked to Premanand ji and also asked questions. Let us tell you that Anushka-Virat had gone to Premanand ji’s ashram earlier also with daughter Vamika.
Let us tell you that this couple sat on their knees and bowed to Premanand Maharaj ji. At the same time, both of them asked for love and devotion from the saint in the form of blessings. Big personalities of the country often come to meet and have darshan of Vrindavan’s popular saint Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj.
Virat and Anushka have reached Premanand Maharaj for the second time. During this, Virat asked Anushka about her well-being. After this Anushka said that, last time when we came, there were many questions in our mind. I thought I would ask, but everyone sitting there asked a similar question to you. When I was talking to you in my mind, whatever questions I had, the next day when I watched the private conversation, someone or the other would ask those questions. Anushka further said, you just give me love and devotion.
Premanand Maharaj blessed both of them and also praised them. The saint said that these people are very brave, it is very difficult to turn towards devotion after getting worldly fame and respect. We feel that your devotion will have a special impact on them. There is nothing above devotion. Chant the name, be happy. And live with lots of love, live with lots of happiness.
“Never seen an Indian cricketer like Virat Kohli! His devotion and spirituality are truly inspiring, and it’s heartwarming to see how Anushka Sharma has brought such beautiful changes in his life. 💞 #ViratKohli #AnushkaSharma
— Harsh 17 (@harsh03443) January 10, 2025