who is russia supporting in the india china conflict the answer will surprise you


The Russian ambassador said that we want the trust between India and China to increase, this is what we want. Along with this, Russia also made it clear that we do not take anyone’s side. The Russian ambassador said that we can become that good lobby. If both sides feel any need, this is our opinion.

There has been a tremendous dispute between India and China. Except for a few days recent days, the gap of bitterness between the two countries continued to increase for a long interval. After the Galwan incident, the two countries were standing in front of each other. India was constantly giving a message to China that it would answer the brick with stone. However, now that talks between India and China have started once again. Cooperation has started. Soldiers have started retreating from the stressed place on the borders. In such a situation, Russia was also asked questions about the tension between India and China. Russian Ambassador Danish Alpov, who came to attend the India Today Conclave, was asked the question of whom he would take on India and China. He said in response that we see not about the clash. Thinking about cooperation. We want the world to stay together. China, India and Russia are three big countries in Eurasia Continent. The trileant format between the three is good.

The Russian ambassador said that we want the trust between India and China to increase, this is what we want. Along with this, Russia also made it clear that we do not take anyone’s side. The Russian ambassador said that we can become that good lobby. If both sides feel any need, this is our opinion. Of course there is a big competition here. But it is in good side. Russian Ambassador Alipov mentioned the historical roots of India-Russia relations. He said that our relationships are very old and solid. India’s foreign policy reflects its people priority. We have our criteria for us. During this time, on China India relations, Alipov said that we want peace. We do not want stress.

Russia has been constantly saying that cooperation between India and China should increase. If both countries need any such need, in which a third country can help, then Russia will do this work with joy. However, Russia has been repeatedly answering that it wants India to increase cooperation between China. Due to this, many ambitions of Russia are also fulfilled. Even if the tension between India and China will be reduced, Russia’s weapon procurement may be affected. But India, Russia and China can simultaneously push this trialy format forward, then the pyre from all over Europe to America will increase and this will make many works of Russia easier.

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