America is deepening its relations with India, claimed Deputy Spokesperson of the State Department

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Patel's response came in response to a question about US-India relations and the recent conversation between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy.

US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said during a press conference on Monday that the United States is deepening its ties with India in a number of areas. These areas include economic and security cooperation, he said, stressing that Washington will continue to develop this relationship. Patel's response came in response to a question about US-India relations and the recent conversation between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy.

Patel told reporters that India is a country in which we are deepening our relationship in a number of key areas, particularly as it relates to deepening our economic relationship, deepening our security cooperation. “President Biden had the opportunity to see Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi briefly on the margins of the G7 a couple of weeks ago. He said this is an area where we will continue to develop this relationship,” he said.

Noting that the US had hosted Prime Minister Modi for a state visit last year, he said, “I think there will be many additional areas where we will continue to deepen cooperation. The State Department deputy spokesperson also spoke about the relationship between India and Pakistan and said the US would expect any country in the world to condemn terrorism anywhere.

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