The craze of doing government jobs is enough among the youth. In such a situation, youth work day and night for government jobs. Let us know that the applications have been started from Tuesday night for Indian Army Agniveer recruitment. Interested candidates can apply online by visiting between March 12 and April 10. Let us tell you that registrations have started for the recruitment of the posts of Agniveer General Duty (GD), Technical, Clerk and Store Keeper Technical, Tradesman, Sainik Pharma, Sainik Technical Nursing Assistant, Voane Police. Apart from this, Colonel Shailesh Kumar, director of Varanasi Army Recruitment Office, said that this time there will be a chance for two posts in one form. Let us tell you the complete information related to recruitment.
This time made two big changes
The same form for two posts- Most of the youth apply for general duty. There is always a fight over this post, while the candidates are less for other posts. Therefore, the first change is this time that according to the Astharta, youth can apply for two posts simultaneously.
What qualification is needed
Agniveer General Duty (GD)
– It is necessary to pass 10th with 45 percent marks. It is mandatory to have at least 33 per cent marks in every subject.
– Candidates who will have light motor vehicle driving license, they will also be given preference in driver recruitment.
Agniveer technical
– It is necessary to pass 12th with 50 per cent marks in Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English subjects. There must be 40 percent marks in each subject.
Agniwer Clerk/ Storkeeper Technical
For this, 12th pass with at least 60% marks. It is mandatory to have 50 percent marks in every subject. It is necessary to have at least 50 per cent marks in English and Mathematics/ Accounts/ Book Keeping.
– It is necessary to give typing test for the posts of Agnier Clerk and Storekeeper Technical Catagari.
– Agniveer Tradesman- 10th pass
– 10th pass applicant should have 33 per cent marks in all subjects.
– Agnivir Tradesman 8th Pass- Applied 8th pass and all subjects should have 33 percent marks.
Women’s Military Police Qualification
– 10th pass with 45 percent marks. It is mandatory to have 33 percent marks in every subject.
Physical test
Group 1
– For this recruitment, talk about the physical test that under Group-1, you will have to run 1.6 km in 5 and a half minutes. There will be 60 marks of this race. 10 bridges will have to be installed with 40 marks.
Group 2
It is necessary for Group 2 to run 1.6 km in 45 seconds in 5 minutes. The candidate will have 48 marks. Bridge ups will have to be installed 9 times, 33 marks will be available.
Group 3
Group 3 people will have to run 1.6 km in 6 minutes. For which 36 marks will be available. Bridge ups will have to be installed 8 times for which there will be 27 marks.
Group 4
Group 4 people will have to run 1.6 km in 6 minutes 15 seconds. There will be 24 marks in it. 7 times the bridge will have to be ups for which there will be 21 marks. 6 times the bridge ups will get 16 marks.