Balloons filled with garbage sent by North Korea to South Korea fell in the presidential office complex

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South Korea’s military said North Korea had sent more balloons filled with trash toward Seoul on Wednesday. Seoul officials also said North Korea had sent more balloons, possibly filled with trash, toward South Korea on Wednesday.

North Korea sent balloons filled with garbage towards South Korea which fell in the presidential office complex. News agency ‘Yonhap’ gave this information in its report.

Yonhap did not provide further details in its report, but other media reports said the balloons did not cause any damage.

South Korea’s military said North Korea had sent more balloons filled with trash toward Seoul on Wednesday. Seoul officials also said North Korea had sent more balloons, possibly filled with trash, toward South Korea on Wednesday.

Just days earlier, South Korea retaliated by broadcasting propaganda messages related to North Korea across the border. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that garbage balloons sent by North Korea crossed the border and flew north of Seoul on Wednesday. They urged people to remain vigilant.

Disclaimer: Sarkari Result Daily has not edited this news. This news has been published from PTI-language feed.

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