Naveen Patnaik, ahead of the 28th Foundation Day of Biju Janata Dal, urged the members to remain dedicated to serving the people of Odisha. The party announced a massive demonstration in Bhubaneswar on January 6 to highlight the rise in prices of essential commodities and other issues.
Bhubaneswar. Ahead of the 28th foundation day of Biju Janata Dal, party chief Naveen Patnaik urged the members to remain dedicated to serving the people of Odisha. BJD’s 28th foundation day is on 26 December. The party announced a massive demonstration in Bhubaneswar on January 6 to highlight the rise in prices of essential commodities and other issues. Patnaik asked party supporters to raise their voice against the ‘anti-people’ policies of the state Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government and highlight the impact of rising inflation.
The BJD president said, “Party leaders and workers need to convey to the public the failure of the state BJP government to stop the rise in prices of essential commodities and fulfill the election promises.” In a letter to all party officials, In the open letter, Patnaik said BJD’s 28th foundation day “will be celebrated in all assembly constituencies”. Patnaik said the regional party is “fully dedicated to serving the people of Odisha for 27 years”.
He said that although BJP has formed the government in the state, people have given maximum votes to BJD. BJD was founded on 26 December 1997 and was named after its veteran leader Biju Patnaik (father of Naveen Patnaik). Addressing a press conference held here, senior BJD leader Devi Prasad Mishra said the party will “take to the streets on January 6 on the issue of price rise and inflation of all essential commodities.” BJD’s program implementation committee convenor Sanjay Dasvarma said the party “will organize a big demonstration in Bhubaneswar on January 6.” More than 5,000 party members are expected to participate in the demonstration.
Disclaimer: Sarkari Result Daily has not edited this news. This news has been published from PTI-language feed.
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