brazil human rights minister accused of sexual harassment


According to local media reports, one of the women who was allegedly harassed is Racial Equality Minister Anielle Franco. She shared a statement thanking those who showed their support for her amid the news.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva sacked Human Rights Minister Silvio Almeida following allegations that he sexually assaulted several women, including another Cabinet minister. Lula’s office said in a statement that the president considered it untenable to keep the minister in office given the nature of the sexual assault allegations. It said a police investigation had been opened. Almeida, an activist for the legal defence of minority rights, claimed his innocence in a statement after losing his post, and said he had asked President Lula to dismiss him to provide freedom for the investigation.

He said that this will be an opportunity for me to prove my innocence and stand up again… Let the facts come out so that I can defend myself under the legal process. Before being fired, Almeida had described the allegations as baseless and absurd lies in a video shared on his social media.

According to local media reports, one of the women who was allegedly harassed is Racial Equality Minister Anielle Franco. She shared a statement thanking those who showed their support for her amid the news.

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