Corruption is openly prevalent in cricket, a letter was written to ICC with a long list of allegations

The T20 World Cup 2024 was hosted by the United States, but now, about a month after that, serious allegations of corruption have surfaced. Serious allegations have been made against America Cricket Board President Venu Pisike and his team. These allegations say that they have used their power unethically against others. According to a report by Cricbuzz, USA Cricket directors Kuljit Singh, Arjun Sona and Patricia Whittaker have sent an email to the ICC in this regard.

In fact, in the email sent to the ICC, Venu Pisike has been accused of trying to create a difficult environment for other directors. He also got CEO Noor Murad dismissed in an unethical manner. The points mentioned in the email also mention unconstitutional appointments, it is also alleged that Pisike made constitutional amendments illegally in the greed of electoral gains and also committed corruption.

The matter does not end here because the letter written to the ICC also mentions the threat of sacking the director and other people on smaller posts. There is also a statement in the letter, which states that we are being surrounded by people on smaller posts and pressured to leave our jobs. If we do not listen to them, then we have been threatened of taking strict action against us. Even many attempts have been made to remove Whittaker from the year 2023.

attempt to gain personal advantage

In the long list of allegations in the letter, it is also mentioned that there has been corruption in the selection of the membership management company. For this, proposals were sent to only 3 companies, the owner of one of which is a good friend of USA Cricket Chairman Venu Pisike. Another statement inside the email mentions that the chairman and his team are trying to corrupt the entire system and its direct objective is to gain personal benefit.

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