A single bench of Justice Sandeep Modgil said that such acts are currently the most reported forms of image -based sexual abuse – a type of online blackmail that has been growing in circulation since 2021. The theme of anxiety is recent incidents of sex -satisfaction, which are not completely surprising given the increase in online social interactions during lockdown.
The Punjab and Haryana High Court has refused to grant regular bail to a woman accused in the cyber sexuality case. The woman, along with her husband, allegedly blackmailed a 73 -year -old doctor and collected more than Rs 1 crore by recording nude videos during the video call. Describing the increase in the sextoration racket as’ terrible and inhuman violations that increase the shame of the victim ‘, the High Court said that’ the petitioner did not get any valid basis to give regular bail concession. A single bench of Justice Sandeep Modgil said that such acts are currently the most reported forms of image -based sexual abuse – a type of online blackmail that has been growing in circulation since 2021. The theme of anxiety is recent incidents of sex -satisfaction, which are not completely surprising given the increase in online social interactions during lockdown.
The court further stated that hunters cheat and manipulate weakened persons, most teenagers by involving them in clear activity on the video, and then threatens to post these clips online until the suffering Does not meet their financial demands. This terrible and inhuman violations eliminates the shame of the victim. Emotional effects on the victims especially children are destructive. Feeling ashamed, disappointed and isolated, many victims do not go anywhere, even some people take their lives, helping the help of this is available.
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