Indian-American community leader calls on Democrats to unite in support of President Biden

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President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are taking America forward, a prominent Indian-American community leader has said, calling on Democratic Party leaders to unite in support to defeat the “destructive and regressive” agenda of Biden's presidential election rival Donald Trump.

Washington. A prominent leader of the Indian-American community has said that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are taking America forward. He called on the leaders of the Democratic Party to unite in support of the incumbent President to defeat the “destructive and regressive” agenda of Biden's rival in the presidential election, Donald Trump. The remarks of Ajay Jain Bhutoria, a Biden supporter and member of the White House Advisory Council on Asian Americans, come amid reports of differences in the ruling Democratic Party over Biden's presidential nomination.

Many Democrats at the top level want Biden to withdraw from the presidential race in November to pave the way for a new candidate. “We are not just campaigning against an opponent, we are fighting for our country. President Biden is our candidate because he stands for values ​​and progress that benefit all Americans,” Bhutoria said on Saturday. Bhutoria said Biden and Kamala Harris are taking America forward while their rivals Donald Trump and J.D. Vance threaten to implement a regressive agenda.

Disclaimer: Sarkari Result Daily has not edited this news. This news has been published from PTI-language feed.

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