Aam Aadmi Party has once declared Raghuvinder Shokeen, who joined the Atishi cabinet, as its candidate from Nangloi Jat assembly seat. He was also elected MLA from this seat in the last elections held in 2020. Shokeen has been MLA from Nangloi Jat twice and before that he has been a councilor twice.
Raghuvinder Shaukeen, who joined Delhi’s Atishi cabinet only last month, has been declared by Aam Aadmi Party as its candidate from Nangloi Jat assembly seat. He was also elected MLA from this seat in the last elections held in 2020. Shaukeen has been MLA from Nangloi Jat twice and before that he has also been a councilor twice. He has been made a minister in the government after Kailash Gehlot resigned and joined BJP. Minister Shaukeen is also considered close to former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia. He is also part of AAP’s strategy to woo Jat voters.
After Aam Aadmi Party’s prominent Jat leader and Transport Minister Kailash Gehlot left the party, the party was feeling the need of a strong Jat leader. Because Jat community has a lot of influence in the assembly elections. Raghuvinder Shokeen was inducted into the Delhi Cabinet on 18 November. The party had announced the inclusion of Shaukeen in the cabinet to reduce the loss caused by the departure of Kailash Gehlot. Raghuvinder Shokeen has been MLA from Nangloi Jat assembly seat twice. Before this, he had also been a councilor twice.
There is full hope that assembly elections will be held in Delhi in February next year. In this election, Congress and Aam Aadmi Party have decided to contest separately. Whereas in the recently held Lok Sabha elections, both the parties contested together but did not win even a single seat. All 7 seats of the Lok Sabha were captured by the Bharatiya Janata Party.
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