Like Gadkari, the rest of the leaders also ‘when will those who talk about caste kick’?

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, famous to say his words in an impeccable manner, has once again made a big statement about casteism. Amidst the political uproar in the name of caste, religion and language in the country, Nitin Gadkari has tried to show the mirror to everyone with his latest statement.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, while addressing the convocation held at ‘Central India Group of Institutions’ in Nagpur, has once again said to kick those who talk about caste. Gadkari stressed that, “Any person should not be discriminated against on the basis of caste, religion, language or gender.” He further said, “Whatever will be done about caste, I will kick him tightly”.

Also read: Sarkari Result Daily Newsroom: Nitin Gadkari again announced- who will talk about caste, I will kick him tightly

See the irony of the politics of this country that, there is hardly any political party left here that does not keep the caste equation in mind while making an election strategy. The situation has become so frightening that while giving tickets to the candidates, the most thoughts of the region are kept the most. This condition is not only visible in the elections of MPs or MLAs, but from the ward member to the panchayat elections, political parties decide the candidates only keeping in mind the caste equation and mathematics.
Leaders of many opposition parties including Rahul Gandhi, Akhilesh Yadav and Tejashwi Yadav are repeatedly chanting the caste census. Caste -based census has become a big issue of politics and election in many states and assembly elections are going to be held on this issue in many states in the coming days. The political parties of the country have sown the seeds of casteism so deep that leave the list of candidates, now their caste is being told especially while announcing the party officials. The political parties of the country are seen proudly telling how many caste leaders have given a place in the party’s national team.
In such an environment, it can be considered a big and important political message in itself to give a statement against casteism of a big status like Nitin Gadkari. But the biggest question here is arising that in the matter of construction of roads, the Union Minister, MP, Chief Minister, MLA, MLC, Mayor, Councilor, Mukhiya and other public representatives who praised Nitin Gadkari’s functioning from outside the House will accept the advice of Gadkari? Do all the public representatives of this country have so much courage that they too can say that people who talk about the caste like Gadkari from the open platform in public? Probably not, because when everyone is benefiting from the raga of caste, then who would want to tie a bell around the cat’s neck?
This poison of casteism has been hollowing out the country from inside. But is only the leaders of the country responsible for this? Not at all, the voters who vote after seeing caste are equally responsible for this. In fact, until the people of the country start teaching a lesson to the leaders and political parties who do politics of caste and political parties, the people of India are not going to get rid of this poison.
-Coster Readers
(The author is a senior journalist and columnist.)
(The author has his own views in this article.)

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