notification issued soon for bihar home guard recruitment know when applications start

Big news has come out for the youth waiting for the recruitment of home guards in Bihar Police. Explain that the roster has been released to restore the posts of Home Guard on 15 thousand posts in Bihar Police. At the same time, the official notification of this recruitment is going to be released soon. It has been informed in the new notification that the recruitment of Bihar Home Guard is to be completed by April 30. It also includes physical efficiency. In this recruitment, selected candidates will be sent for training.

Applications will start soon

The notification issued said that 15000 posts are recruited in Bihar Home Defense Corps for clean enrollment of home guards by the state government. Some instructions have also been given by the committee for this recruitment. In this instruction, information about the termination of the recruitment process is also given. It has been reported that the selection process with the physical efficiency test will be terminated by 30 April 2025 and then the recommendation for training will be sent to the headquarters.

Physical efficiency

For the recruitment of Home Guard in Bihar Police, candidates will have to pass the phase like race, long jump and ball throw in physical. At the same time, the height and chest of the candidates will also be measured. In view of the new notification, it is being estimated that the notification of Bihar Police Home Guard Recruitment can be issued in March 2025.

Explain that the official notification of this recruitment will be released on the official website At the same time, the application process will also be online and qualification for this recruitment can be sought 10th/12th pass or its equivalent.

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