Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the ‘Developed India Youth Leader Dialogue 2025’ at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi on Sunday. During this, the PM expressed confidence that only the power of youth power will make India a developed nation as soon as possible. Not only this, PM Modi told the youth that it is completely possible to dream big, make a strong commitment and achieve those dreams within a stipulated timeframe.
Addressing the ‘Develop India Youth Leaders Dialogue 2025’, the Prime Minister said, ‘For any country to progress, it must focus on achieving important goals. Life without a goal is unimaginable! Goals provide us with purpose and motivation. When we set ambitious goals, we work tirelessly to accomplish them. Today India is giving concrete shape to this feeling.
Modi said that a developed India means one which will be economically, strategically, socially and culturally strong, where the economy will flourish and the ecology will also prosper. He said, ‘Where there will be more and more opportunities for good earning and education. Where the world’s largest youth population will be equipped with skills. Where the youth will have open skies to fulfill their dreams.
#WATCH Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the Developed India Youth Leader Samvad 2025 program at Bharat Mandapam, said, “While talking to you today, I am also seeing a picture of developed India. What do we want to see in developed India? What kind of India? Want to see developed India?
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) January 12, 2025
The Prime Minister also interacted with 3,000 youth selected through a merit-based, multi-tier selection process from over 30 lakh participants in the ‘Develop India Youth Leaders Dialogue 2025’ programme. Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863 in Kolkata. His birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day.
The Prime Minister said that he has a ‘best friend’ relationship with the youth of the country and the strongest link of friendship is ‘trust’. He said, ‘I have great faith in you and this faith inspired me to form ‘My Bharat’. This belief formed the basis of the Developed India Youth Leader Dialogue. My belief is that the power of youth power will make India a developed nation as soon as possible.
The Prime Minister said, ‘Those who keep adding and dividing figures may think that all this is very difficult, but my soul says, says with the confidence of all of you – the goal is certainly big but not impossible.’ He said, ‘When the arms of crores of youth are pushing the wheels of development chariot forward, then we will definitely reach the target.’ The Prime Minister said, ‘If Swami Vivekananda were physically among us today, seeing the awakened power of the youth of the 21st century and your active efforts, he would have filled India with a new faith, a new energy and sown the seeds of new dreams. Give.’