Pune Porsche crash: Court grants bail to father and grandfather of minor accused, accused of kidnapping the driver

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Police said that the driver stayed at Agarwal's house in Kalyaninagar that night. After this, the Crime Branch told the court that his wife and children were also brought here. In this regard, the Crime Branch had examined the CCTV footage of Agarwal's bungalow. A search operation was also conducted.

A Pune court on Tuesday granted bail to the father and grandfather of the teenager accused in the Pune Porsche crash case in the kidnapping and wrongful confinement of their family driver. SK Agarwal, the grandfather of the teenager, will be released soon after the court passed the bail order. However, Vishal Agarwal, father of the minor accused, will remain in judicial custody as the police have to submit their documents in the blood swap case. Pune police claimed that Surendra Kumar Agarwal had kidnapped the driver after the accident on May 19 midnight and took him to his bungalow.

The police said that the driver stayed at Agarwal's house in Kalyaninagar that night. After this, the Crime Branch told the court that his wife and children were also brought here. In this regard, the Crime Branch had examined the CCTV footage of Agarwal's bungalow. A search operation was also conducted. However, defense lawyer Prashant Patil told the court that the driver himself came to the bungalow. Along with this, Patil told the court that the driver stayed at Agarwal's bungalow with his family that night due to fear of mob lynching.

Surendra Kumar Agarwal got bail after being granted judicial custody in the kidnapping case. Meanwhile, Vishal Agarwal has also got bail in this case, but his custody in the blood swap case will continue. Despite securing bail in an earlier case, Vishal Agarwal remains in Yerawada Central Jail due to three other ongoing cases.

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