Sarkari Result Daily Exclusive: Fatah-Hamas friendship may prove costly for Netanyahu, what could be the result of the move made by China?

This week in Sarkari Result Daily News Network’s special program Shaurya Path, we wanted to know from Brigadier Shri DS Tripathi (Retd) that with the help of China, an agreement was reached between two groups in Palestine. On the other hand, the Prime Minister of Israel returned after visiting America. Can the Israel-Hamas conflict take a new turn due to the political developments in Palestine and the Israeli Prime Minister’s visit to America? In response to this, he said that whatever happened in Palestine is a big development not only in terms of local politics but also in terms of international politics. He said that displaying unity amidst the war in Gaza, 14 Palestinian groups including Fatah and Hamas jointly resolved to end their differences and strengthen Palestinian unity in a meeting mediated by China.

Brigadier Shri DS Tripathi (Retd) said that China’s Foreign Ministry coordinated three days of talks between the rival factions. He said that the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said that this announcement is the first step towards promoting a “comprehensive, durable and sustainable ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, plagued by Israeli attacks. He said that China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi met the leaders of these factions and said that the signing of the agreement is an important, historic moment for the Palestinian issue. He said that under the agreement, the rival groups have agreed to form an interim national reconciliation government to govern Gaza after the war.

Brigadier Shri DS Tripathi (Retd) said that the agreement aims to unite Palestinians in their struggle with Israel. He said that the signatories include senior Hamas official Musa Abu Marzook and Fatah envoy Mahmoud al-Aloul as well as representatives of 12 other Palestinian groups. He said that the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that this is the first time that 14 rival groups have gathered in Beijing for reconciliation talks. He said that although this reconciliation is an internal matter of the Palestinian factions, it cannot be achieved without the support of the international community. He said that the Chinese Foreign Ministry has stated that the main outcome of this dialogue is that the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) is the sole legitimate representative of all the Palestinian people. He said that there has been an agreement on governance after the Gaza war and the formation of an interim national reconciliation government.

Brigadier Shri DS Tripathi (Retd) said that Hamas rules the Gaza Strip, while Fatah controls the Palestinian Authority, which has partial administrative control over the West Bank. He said that Israel has resolved to destroy Hamas before the war in Gaza ends. Therefore, Israel immediately rejected the Beijing declaration. He said that Israel’s Foreign Minister I. Katz in a post released on ‘X’ said that instead of rejecting terrorism, Mahmoud Abbas embraces Hamas’ murderers and rapists, which has revealed his true face. He said that moreover this declaration has been signed at a time when Israel and Hamas are considering an internationally supported cease-fire proposal, which could end the nine-month-long war in the Gaza Strip and pave the way for the freedom of Israeli citizens held hostage by Hamas.

Brigadier Shri DS Tripathi (Retd) said that despite the agreement being reached, uncertainty will remain over the status of Gaza Strip after the war, as Israel is against any role of Hamas in the governance of this area. He said that Hamas had captured the area in 2007 during a violent conflict by driving out Fatah fighters loyal to the then Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas from the Gaza Strip, since then both the groups have been opposed to each other.

Brigadier Shri DS Tripathi (Retd) said that as far as the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to America is concerned, he has received more advice there rather than support like before. He said that although the Israeli Prime Minister got the opportunity to address the US Congress, the way protests took place in America against his visit, the political parties there have become alert and are no longer supporting Israel as before. He said that in view of the circumstances, US Vice President Kamala Harris has also asked Israel to find a solution to this as soon as possible. Kamala Harris has urged Israel to enter into a ceasefire agreement with Hamas soon and permanently end the devastating war in Gaza. He said that Kamala Harris has made this request to the Prime Minister of Israel amid increasing casualties and deepening humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian region. He said that Netanyahu also met President Joe Biden but nothing much came out of it either. He said the reality is that as the war enters its ninth month, there is growing pressure on Netanyahu to end the Israel-Gaza war.

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