The importance of the mining sector can be easily understood because of the recent policy of America in the context of the Russia Ukraine War. America’s Ukraine is eyeing the mineral wealth of Ukraine and wants the US to directly and indirectly to exploit Ukraine’s mineral wealth in return for cooperation. The same situation is in other countries of the world. Today, all countries from Monopoli of China have been filled to the neck, while the countries of the world have started searching for options for searching and mining of mineral wealth. This is the reason that the work of mineral exploration has increased in the last decade. Emphasis is being laid on sustainable mining development in our country and it has been made mandatory to auction all minors or minor minerals from 2016-17. In the changed circumstances, it should also be clear that a lot depends on the desire power of the governments. The latest example of this is the Government of Rajasthan and the Ministry of Mines and Geology of Rajasthan. The effective efforts to give a new identity to the notorious mining sector for illegal mining activities in the country and the world have been shown by the Bhajan Lal Sharma government in Rajasthan. Rajasthan has started leaping in the entire country in the mining sector only in a time of one year. In December 24, the government took fast steps in two directions in the mining sector as soon as he took charge. First, a special campaign was launched to curb the illegal mining activities, and the second government gave a clear message that while studying the exploration report of mineral -dominated areas, the work of preparing the deliniation and plots and blocks should be given priority and the department should be given priority. Make the transparent auction process implement by making a roadmap for auction of prepared plots and blocks. According to the intention of the government, the departmental staff also gathered and in three months of the formation of a new government, 15 major mineral blocks were e-auctioned on the Government of India portal, then after the formation of a new government in a more time than a year, January , New history was created by successful auction of 15 joints 33 blocks including 15 blocks with 15 blocks by 25 blocks. The achievement of the state government was also appreciated by the Central Government and on January 20, 25, in the National Mais Ministers Conference held in Konark, Odisha, in the year 2023-24, Rajasthan has given the first prize to Rajasthan for the most Major Mineral Block in the country. Principal Secretary Mines T. Ravikant has been honored at the national level. The kind of figures that are being displayed on the Government of India portal make it clear that in the year 2024-25, Rajasthan will be at the top of the entire country in the e-auction of Major Mineral Blocks.
In view of the image of the mining sector in the country, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Bhajan Lal Sharma, kept the responsibility of the Ministry of Mines and in the last one year under the efficient leadership and guidance. Auction, Amnesty Scheme, Drone Survey, Ekbariya Samadhan Yojana, new and progressive mineral policy, M-Sand policy, have developed opportunities to create an opportunities for industrial investment and employment in the mining sector. In 2017, the Central Government decided that mining minerals will be given through open auctions everywhere in the country. This led to a large extent to stop the monkey distribution of mining minerals. The Central Government has also paved the way for health competition between transparent and mineral -major states by starting monitoring at its own level of auction of major minerals. It can be considered the leading step of the country’s mineral sector.
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Rajasthan is a rich state in terms of minerals. Out of the 82 types of minerals available in the state, 57 minerals are being mined at a commercial level in the state, currently about 35 lakh people are getting direct and indirect employment. The state government has clearly understood one thing that the most effective way of curbing illegal mining of prized minerals should be prepared by preparation of blocks or plots of mineral areas and auctioned through transparent manner through e -portal. This can prevent one reason for illegal mining. Because the mine holders will not allow others to run illegal mining activity in their area. This can prevent illegal mining of prized minerals to a great extent. The state government is now going to make assessment compulsory for illegal mining activities even on legitimate mining holders. Other similar corrective steps are being taken. In such a situation, not only Rajasthan, the governments of other states of the mineral head of the country will also have to take aggressive steps so that the damage caused by illegal mining of the country’s mineral wealth can be saved. Along with this, the mineral wealth can be better exploited by emphasizing valid mining and sustainable mining.
– Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sharma