According to the latest comments by US President Donald Trump, four different groups are monitoring the viral social media platform tickets with Chinese owned. Trump, riding in Air Force One, told the media that all options are looking good. The US administration forced owner Bitdens to sell platforms or to face ban on national security. The ticket ban on 19 January became effective, but on 20 January it was withdrawn after Donald Trump took over as the US President.
There are many countries around the world among those who distance away from the Chinese app. India is not the only country that has made distance from the Chinese app. America also wants to distance a large extent from the Chinese app. The first name in these applications is Ticketkock. There has been a lot of controversy over ticket -lock in America. In the midst of this controversy, a news is coming out which is surprising everyone. Former US President Donald Trump has confirmed that his government is talking to four different groups about ticket sales.
According to the latest comments by US President Donald Trump, four different groups are monitoring the viral social media platform tickets with Chinese owned. Trump, riding in Air Force One, told the media that all options are looking good. The US administration forced owner Bitdens to sell platforms or to face ban on national security. The ticket ban on 19 January became effective, but on 20 January it was withdrawn after Donald Trump took over as the US President. Along with this, Bitdens was given a lifeline of 75 days to consider the future of the platform in America. It is still not clear that Bitdons would consider selling American operations alone (as Uber did with Uber Eats in India), or the entire platform in view of the absence of any official statement from the Chinese tech company.
Trump told the media that we are dealing with four different groups. Tickeks increased the interest of many people, including Frank McCourt (former owner of MLB team Los Angeles Dojers), Alexis Ohanian (co-founder of Reddit), JC Tinsley (Technical Investor), Jimmy Donaldson aka Mistrabeast (YouTube personality), and reads. Some experts estimate that Tiktok may cost up to $ 50 billion.
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