Assam results for grades 3 and 4 will be released today. Assam Direct Recruitment Result The job applied candidates are interested to know whether they got selected or not. The result will be released on the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA). The State Level Recruitment Commission was conducted to fill around 25,000 posts of Grade 3 and 4 personnel. The exam was conducted in offline mode.
Assam Class 3 and 4 results will be released today. Candidates who applied for the job are interested to know whether they got selected or not. The result will be released on the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA).
Assam Grade 3, 4 Result
The SEBA conducts examinations for Grade 3 vacancies on the 28th of August while for Grade 4 vacancies examinations conduct on the 21st of August. We can expect to get Assam direct recruitment Grade 4 results released before the Grade 3 result is released on htpps:// This year a total of 26,442 vacancies will be filled based on the result.
SEBA conducts the exam on 28th August for Grade 3 vacancies while on 21st August for Grade 4 vacancies. We can expect that the Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 4 Result will be released before the Grade 3 Result is released at htpps:// This year, a total of 26,442 vacancies will be filled on the basis of result.
Assam Grade 3,4 Exam Details
This year more than 4 lakh candidates appeared for the recruitment of Grade 3 and 4 posts and now all are waiting for their results. Now the Assam SLRC Grade 3 & Grade 4 Result 2022 will be declared after more than a month of conducting the exam. As specified by the board, there will be 13,300 posts for Grade 3 recruitment and 13,341 posts for Grade 4 recruitment.
This year more than 4 lakh candidates appeared for the recruitment of Grade 3 and 4 posts and now all are waiting for their result. Now Assam SLRC Grade 3 & Grade 4 Result 2022 will be declared after more than a month of conducting the examination. As specified by the board, there will be 13,300 posts for Grade 3 recruitment and 13,341 posts for Grade 4 recruitment.
Assam Direct Recruitment Merit List
The direct recruitment for various posts is done by the Board of Secondary Education (SEBA) of Assam. The board recently conducted the written exam for Grade 3 and 4 posts, and now the result analysis is done. The board will decide and declare the marks obtained by the selected candidates in the merit list. The officials will release the grade 3 and grade 4 merit list separately. The candidates who had given the exam for the direct recruitment of classes three and four can check the merit list. The merit list will be uploaded on the official portal.
Direct recruitment for various posts is done by the Board of Secondary Education Assam (SEBA). The board recently conducted the written examination for Grade 3 and 4 posts, and now the result is analyzed. The board will decide and declare the marks obtained by the selected candidates in the merit list. The officials will release the merit list of Grade 3 and Grade 4 separately. Candidates who appeared for the direct recruitment exam for class three and four can check the merit list. Merit list will be uploaded on the official portal.
The merit list will include the roll number, marks obtained and category of the candidate. Candidates selected for Grade 4 will be appointed to the posts of Chowkidar, Peon, Carrier, Workshop Jugli etc. Due to lack of employment opportunities, youth are applying for every job. Therefore, the board provides secure jobs with good salary to those who qualify the exam. The merit list will be in PDF format. The PDF document of merit list can be downloaded from the official portal.
The merit list will contain the roll number, marks obtained, and the category of the candidate. Candidates selected for Grade 4 will be appointed to the posts of Chowkidar, Peon, Carrier, Workshop Jugli, etc. Due to a lack of employment opportunities youth are applying for every job. Therefore, the board provides secure jobs with a good salary to those who qualify for the exam. The merit list will be in PDF format. The PDF document of the merit list can be downloaded from the official portal.
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How to check Assam Direct Recruitment Results
How to check Assam Direct Recruitment Results
- To get started, visit the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA).
- Click on the Result tab on the right side of the home page; This will open a new page.
- Check State Recruitment Commission for Class III Post Result on the page. Also, there will be another link for Class IV Post Result as State Recruitment Commission for Class IV.
- Click here to check the post you have applied for.
- Then you have to enter the details like your registration number and ID.
- Then you will get the result after submitting the details.
- Take a print screen and keep it safe.
How to check Assam Direct Recruitment Results
To get started, visit the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA).
Click on the Result tab on the right side of the home page; This will open a new page.
Check State Recruitment Commission for Class III Post Result on the page. Also, there will be another link for the result of Class IV post as State Recruitment Commission for Class IV.
Click here to check the post you have applied for.
Then you have to enter details like your registration number and ID.
Then you will get the result after submitting the details.
Take a print screen and keep it safe.
Assam Grade 3, 4 Cut Off
Details like your name, registration number, roll number, total marks obtained, selected or not etc. will be available in the result. The cut-off of all categories of candidates will be decided on the basis of their educational qualification required for the posts. Candidates will be selected on the basis of cut off declared by the State Level Recruitment Commission of Assam. Candidates can download the Grade 3 & 4 Cut-Off List PDF from the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA).
Assam Grade 3, 4 Cut Off
Details like your name, registration number, roll number, total marks obtained, selected or not etc. will be available in the result. The cut-off of all categories of candidates will be decided on the basis of their education qualification required for the posts. Candidates will be selected on the basis of cut off declared by the State Level Recruitment Commission of Assam. Candidates can download the grade 3 and 4 cut-off list PDF from the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA).
frequently asked questions
How to check Assam Direct Recruitment Results ?
To get started, visit the official portal of the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA).
Click on the Result tab on the right side of the home page; This will open a new page.
Check State Recruitment Commission for Class III Post Result on the page. Also, there will be another link for Class IV Post Result as State Recruitment Commission for Class IV.
Click here to check the post you have applied for.
Then you have to enter the details like your registration number and ID.
Then you will get the result after submitting the details.
Where can I check my Assam Group 3 & 4 result now?
You can visit the official website of the official portal i.e. You can check the result from
When is the result of Assam Direct Recruitment going to be published?
The result was about to be published. But, the officials delayed the result.